{{ crops.length }}{{ (selectedCharType !== 'all' ? ' ' + selectedCharType + ' ' : ' ') | i18n }}{{ 'crops found' | i18n}} {{ 'for' | i18n }} {{ brand | titleCase }}.
{{ 'Clicking \'Save\' will create nodes for all characteristics with filled in checkboxes under /content/data.' | i18n }}
{{ charType | i18n | titleCase }} {{ 'characteristics' | i18n }}
{{ crop | i18n | titleCase }}
*{{ 'this crop only exists in the current settings, not in the API' | i18n }}
*{{ 'this crop only exists in the API, not in the current settings' | i18n }}
{{ group.label | i18n | titleCase }}
*{{ 'this characteristic group only exists in the current settings, not in the API' | i18n }}
*{{ 'this characteristic group only exists in the API, not in the current settings' | i18n }}
{{ characteristic.label | i18n | titleCase }}
*{{ 'this characteristic only exists in the current settings, not in the API' | i18n }}
*{{ 'this characteristic only exists in the API, not in the current settings' | i18n }}